Paper Submission Guidelines
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Guang Yi: Lingual, Literary, and Cultural Translation Paper Submission Guidelines

This journal is organized and edited by the Center for Translation and Cross-Cultural Studies, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chengchi University. It publishes academic papers, personal translation works and translation reviews on language, literature, and cultural translation studies. Scholars and experts are welcome to contribute their contributions.

Call for Papers and Manuscript Format

Call for Papers

1. This journal is organized and edited by the Center for Translation and Intercultural Studies, School of Foreign Languages, National Chengchi University. It publishes academic papers, personal translation works and translation reviews on language, literature, and cultural translation studies. Scholars and experts are welcome to contribute their contributions.
2. Contributed manuscripts must be unpublished, and articles with two submissions per manuscript will be rejected.
3. This journal accepts manuscripts written in Chinese and foreign languages ​​(contributors who write in simplified Chinese characters need to convert to traditional Chinese characters before submitting the manuscript).
4. The responsibility of the articles published in this journal is the responsibility of the author. If the manuscript involves copyrighted parts such as pictures, please obtain the consent of the original author or the publisher in advance, and this journal is not responsible for the copyright.
5. The papers in this journal are written in MLA format. For relevant information, please refer to the "Guangzhou Translation" webpage.
6. The academic papers will be adopted after being reviewed anonymously by two experts and scholars, and the review results will be divided into recommended publication, revised publication, or non-recommended publication. Copyright belongs to the author, and publishing rights belong to the journal. Authors need to sign a copyright authorization letter to build on this journal's website, "National Chengchi University Academic Journal Resources Network" and related academic databases.
7. This journal is issued in the form of an electronic journal, in principle, once a year, and a special issue is published irregularly for specific translation topics. Manuscripts will be reviewed as they arrive. If the manuscripts are adopted, three copies will be given to the author for the current period, and no additional remuneration will be paid. In addition to translation and translation evaluation, please submit a review fee of NT$1,000 in cash for the submission of papers from outside the school.
8. For submissions, please indicate the subject of the contribution "Guang Translation", prepare the full text of the PDF and Word documents and the authorization letter, and send it to
9. This call for papers has been approved by the editorial committee of this journal, submitted to the Committee of Translation and Intercultural Research Center for approval and implementation, and the same is true for revisions.

Manuscript format

▋Manuscript format
1. The manuscript should be processed in Word file, and typed horizontally on A4 paper; abstracts should be 34 words*38 lines per page, and papers should be 34 words*30 lines per page.
2. Manuscripts should be 20,000 words and no more than 20 pages in A4 size. The full text should be typed in a 12-level font. The Chinese part should be typed in the new detailed script, and the foreign language part should be typed in Times New Roman horizontally interlaced (each The page layout is 2.54 cm above and below and 3.17 cm left and right).
3. If the references in both Chinese and foreign languages ​​coexist, they should be arranged in the order of Chinese, English and other foreign languages. Documents in Chinese should be arranged according to the strokes of the author's or editor's surname (the same applies for institutions), while English and other foreign languages ​​should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the author's or editor's surname.
4. The first page of the manuscript should be an abstract in Chinese, English or other foreign languages, which must contain:
5. Thesis title: The title should be concise.
⁃ Author Name: The author's name is listed below the paper title.
⁃ ⁃ Abstract of the paper: The paper should be accompanied by an abstract in Chinese and English (within 500 words) and keywords (within 6 words). For papers written in a foreign language other than English, please attach a 3-page abstract (within 500 words) and keywords (within 6 words) in Chinese, the foreign language and English.
⁃ ⁃ Entity and title: Please insert a footnote* after the author's name, including the author's name, title, school, department or research unit. If there is more than one author, the symbols such as ** and *** are used for identification.
6. The binding order of the manuscript is Chinese, English, other foreign language abstracts (and key words), main text (and references or notes), last page information and figures. Figure numbering must match the numbering in the text.

▋ Punctuation

Please use full-form new punctuation marks in the Chinese part of the paper. "" (quotation marks) is used for ordinary quotation marks; "" (double quotation marks) is used for second-level quotation marks (that is, quotation marks within quotation marks); "" (book title number) is used for titles such as books and journals, such as "Foreign Language Research"; 〈〉 (article title) is used for papers and article titles.


▋ Subheading

In each section of the article, if there are many sub-headings, please mark them in the order of each sub-heading.
Example: Chapter 1 → 1.
Chapter 1, Section 2 → 1.2
Chapter 1, Section 2, Item 3 → 1.2.3
Chapter 1, Section 2, Item 3, Sub-Item 4 →


▋ Paragraphs and Citations

1. There are two full-width spaces before the first word of the first line of each paragraph.
2. When citing the original text directly, the short text can be directly inserted into the main text, with quotation marks.
3. If the quoted original text is longer, it can be copied separately, with a full four-frame space before each line.


▋ Notes

1. Comments are placed at the bottom of each page. Chinese comments are written in new detail type 10 characters, and foreign language comments are written in Times New Roman grade 10 characters horizontally. Each note has a separate line and is separated from the text by a thin black line. Each paper is a unit, arranged in order.
2. Note number, please use Arabic numerals, such as 1, 2, 3. If it is the text of the main text, please place the superscript after the punctuation mark in the upper right corner of the main text. If it is a citation, place the superscript in the upper right corner of the end of the citation, for example: New Thought School 1, based on the student-centered fan magazine "New Thought" 2 of the University of Tokyo, a cutting-edge writer who is quite active in the literary world group. 3
3. Citation format (according to MLA-Style), as follows:
⁃ List the author and page number directly in the text, such as: (Liu Chongling 133-134) or: Yang Yongliang mentioned in the text... (18-21).
⁃ If the cited author exceeds two articles, the title of the article "abbreviation" should be added before the number of pages, such as:
Hypertext, as one theorist puts it, is “all about connection, linkage, and affiliation” (Moulthrop, “You Say,” par.19).
———. “You Say You Want a Revolution? Hypertext and the Laws of Media.” Postmodern Culture 1.3 (1991): 53 pars. 12 July 2002 < 1.3moulthrop.html>.
⁃ Please avoid replacing the "abbreviation" of the title of the document with the "published year" of the document. For detailed instructions, see the MLA Thesis Writing Handbook.
⁃ ⁃ The style of citations in the notes is the same as that of the main text, but the full publication information must be listed in detail in the references after the whole paper. For the writing method of references in other foreign languages, please refer to the styles listed in "IX. References" in the format requirements.


▋ Drawing and pictures

1. The area of the picture should not be too large, and the content can be clearly identified.
2. Pictures must be numbered, titled, or brief descriptions, all placed under the graphics.
3. The font size should not be too large, and should match the size of the graphics, so that it can be clearly identified.
4. The magnified figure should indicate the magnification ratio, and please pay attention to whether the lines are clear and the fonts are sufficient for identification after reducing the plate making.


▋ Tabulation

1. The production of tables must be done only when the tables can express the meaning better than the sentences.
2. The form must be numbered with the text, and the title of the form must be indicated. If there is further explanation, another note can be made. Headings should be placed above the table and comments should be placed below the table.
3. When the abbreviation is used in the text of the table, if the abbreviation has not been agreed upon or has not appeared in the text, the full name must be noted.


▋ Zhi Xie

A footnote with a double-meter mark should be inserted after the word "Abstract" on the abstract page in Chinese, English and foreign languages.


▋ References

1. Special book:
(Chinese) Lin Shouhua. Introduction to Foreign Language Teaching. Taipei: Shulin, 1998.
(English) "You Say You Want a Revolution? Hypertext and the Laws of Media." Postmodern Culture 1.3 (1991): n. pag. Project Muse. Web. 12 July 2002.
2. Journals:
(Chinese) Zhang Yuezhen. "Deconstruction and Re-suggestion of the English Empire: The Politics of Language and Culture in the Age of Internet Globalization." Wenshan Review 1.35 (January 2003): 105-126.
(English) Eilola, John. “Little Machines: Rearticulating Hypertext Users.” 3 Dec. 1994. Web. 14 Aug 1996.
3. Examples of electronic resource references
(Chinese) Liu Weigong. "Work and Leisure in Modern Society". Electronic Journal of Modern Society, 15. 2001. (Browse date: 2002.5.18)
Eilola, John. “Little Machines: Rearticulating Hypertext Users.” 3 Dec. 1994. 14 Aug 1996. <>
4. Documentary or bibliographic information
Please submit references in MLA format. Manuscripts written in English, if the references are in languages ​​other than English (including Chinese), please present them in English or convert them into Romaphone by yourself. For manuscripts written in Chinese, the Chinese references can be kept as they are without conversion; however, if the references are in languages ​​other than English, please present them in English or convert them into Romaphone by yourself. Chinese and foreign language references should be presented separately (Chinese first, foreign language last).
5. The title of the reference paper that has been accepted for publication but not yet published should be marked with the word "typographical" and placed after the title of the journal or book in which it is published. If citing unpublished survey data or personal interviews, it must be indicated in the main text or in the annotations, and references should not be included.


▋ Correction

All manuscripts should be corrected by the authors themselves, so please review them carefully (especially the charts and formulas). If there are any mistakes, please correct them in the final proofreading, and please return the electronic file as soon as possible after the correction.


▋ Chinese and English abstract format example

Please use 1.15 times the line height for Chinese, and 1.5 times the line height for foreign language